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Which course is better, MBA or PGDM?

Published on June 04, 2023 | Leave a response

Which course is better, MBA or PGDM?

More students are choosing to enrol in management programmes as a result of the expansion of the IT industry and corporate culture. However, when enrolling in a management programme, Indian students frequently confuse the terms PGDM and MBA. This creates a conundrum when choosing courses. Although the course content for both programmes is essentially the same, there are some significant differences that can help you decide which is better for you.

People who are unaware of the distinctions may end up making erratic choices. MBA and PGDM are both graduate-level degrees. Here, MBA stands for "Master of Business Administration," and PGDM for "Post Graduate Diploma in Management," although due to the word "diploma," PGDM is frequently seen as a lower-quality programme than MBA. Nevertheless, this is a false assumption as they both have their pros and cons.

Parameters PGDM MBA
Approving Authority AICTE, Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India. AICTE, Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India, UGC Approval is needed at the university level.
Validity Valid and equivalent to Post Graduate Degree. Valid Post Graduate Degree.
Eligibility for PhD. and Lecturership PGDM with a minimum of 55% Marks are eligible to enrol for PhD. From Indian Universities. Also, PGDMs eligible to teach PG students. MBA with a minimum of 55% Marks is eligible to enrol for PhD. From Indian Universities. Also, MBAs eligible to teach PG students.
Placements Depends upon the institution. Most of the PGDM institutions have better placement records than MBA institutions. Depends upon the institution. Comparatively, Some of the MBA institutions like FMS, JBIMS have better placement records.
Course Syllabus Dynamic, Gets updated as per needs of industry. Syllabus is approved by AICTE. Syllabus is prepared by universities and gets updated less frequently.
Innovative Practices Teaching and training is multi-dimensional. Cases, simulations, presentations, short term trainings are part of pedagogy. Limited scope for innovation as practices are defined by syllabus prepared by central body i.e., University.
Ranking in general (by business magazines and student centric websites) 90% of top 100 are PGDM institutions owing to better teaching, training, exposure and placements. IIMs, XLRI, MDI, IMT, GIM, and many more. Approximately 10 out of top 100 are MBA institutions. Likes of FMS, NMIMS, KJSIMS, SCMHRD, etc.
Equivalence Equivalent to MBA from any Indian University. For PhD, Teaching (UGC NET) and all other purposes. MBA a post graduate degree.
Entrance Process Thorough CAT/ MAT/XAT/ATMA and some state level examinations like TSICET, MAH-CET etc. Thorough State level Entrance Examinations like TSICET, MAH-CET etc.
Examinations PGDM institutions are authorised by approving body, AICTE, to conduct the Examinations Examinations are conducted by university

Which is preferable, an MBA or PGDM?

Now that you know everything about the differences between an MBA and a PGDM, it's up to you to decide which is best for you!

However, bear the following in mind when selecting one of these programmes:

1. Compare the cost of an MBA and PGDM.

2. Examine the course offerings. Please take note that while MBA covers management theory principles, PGDM is more focused on practical expertise.

3. India and global job context: If one graduates from a reputable university, there is no difference between an MBA and a PGDM in terms of employment.

4. Educational Context: Candidates with an MBA degree are always given preference when applying for higher education, such as a PhD.

There is therefore no distinction between an MBA and a PGDM if a person is not interested in continuing their education.

Salary of PGDM and MBA in India

MBA Jobs And Salary

The chart below compares the average salaries for many MBA positions, including HR Manager, Business Analyst, Marketing Manager, Finance Advisor, and Investment Banker.

Sincerely, there isn't much of a distinction between the two. The actual catch is that both of these courses are among the most popular.

Are they really identical to one another?

In fact, there is! You should consider every factor when selecting the greatest. For the majority of us, the optimal option is the one that pays the most. Let's be honest: money is motivation, and it's a very effective one at that.

It's possible for MBA students to find a good career, but that doesn't guarantee that PGDM students won't as well (PGDM actually pays more than MBA).

You must balance the advantages and disadvantages of both an MBA and a PGDM before choosing, and it all depends on how much you understand right now. Additionally, keep in mind the educational institutions you plan to attend, as a diploma from a reputable institution will improve your chances of landing a job and climbing the corporate ladder.

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