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Important Notice:   MBA Merit List 2024 - Indira Institute of Management       |       List of Students selected for PhD in Management


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Committed to fundamental fairness in its student conduct procedures

Disciplinary Policy


The students of INDIRA are required to maintain a minimum of 85% attendance every semester. Any student failing to meet the above standard is liable to get his or her term cancelled and in addition will not to be allowed to participate in the Campus Recruitment Program. Feedback based on the monthly monitoring of attendance helps students maintain the minimum required attendance. Every student is informed about his / her attendance through ERP Account provided by the institute.

Dress Code

At INDIRA, we believe in inculcating a sense of discipline and belongingness in the students by observing a strict dress code. Students are expected to wear formal dress (shirt & trousers for gents; sari / salwar kameez for ladies) through out the week, except on Fridays which will be observed as ‘casual day’. On the occasion of guest lectures, seminars, etc. students are expected to be dressed in the INDIRA uniform (Blazers, tie, shirt, trousers). A student failing to adhere to the dress code will not be allowed to attend the lectures and will face disciplinary action.

Hostel Rules

The boys and girls hostels at INDIRA have a set of rules which have to be adhered to strictly by the students. Each hostel is headed by a warden who acts as a facilitator & observer to maintain the discipline in the hostels and ensure its smooth functioning. Students opting to stay in the hostel will have to sign an undertaking in accepting the rules set by the management. Ragging of any type will not be accepted and the concerned students’ admissions would be cancelled immediately.

Drug / Alcohol Policy

Students of Indira must abstain from drugs and alcohol during their stay at the institute. Violation of this policy will lead to cancellation of admission.



We are pleased to share that IIMP’s MBA Program has been accredited by National Board of Accreditation-NBA since 2003. The visit for the 5th Cycle is awaited in April 2024. We are grateful to you all for your trust shown in the brand IIMP . The journey of “Empowering Minds to Elevate Lives” continues.

© 2020. Indira Institute of Management Pune(IIMP).

© 2020. Indira Institute of Management Pune(IIMP).