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IIMP Board of Studies

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Board of Studies

BOARD OF STUDIES: Business Analytics
Minutes of Meeting

Sr.DescriptionNameDesignation and Organization
01ChairpersonDr. Neha RamtekeLF BA IIMP
02MembersMr. Abhishek RaidasFaculty IIMP
03Pro VC NomineeMr. Yogesh Dipankar Director, Telematics Solutions Head.
04Subject Experts from outside Parent University Mr. Atul KahateAuthor and Faculty of Computer Science
05MemberMr. Amit NoubadeIBM Analytics
06Subject Experts from outside Parent UniversityDr. Dhanya PramodDirector, SCIT Pune
07Alumnus to be nominated by DirectorMr. Amey AsodkarSr. Analyst TCS
BOARD OF STUDIES: General Management
Minutes of Meeting

Sr.DescriptionNameDesignation and Organization
01ChairpersonDr. Sanjay BhaleFaculty IIMP
02MembersDr. Pallavi SajanapwarDeputy Director IIMP
Mr. Mayur JaybhayFaculty IIMP
Mr. Mehul SoudagarFaculty IIMP
Mr. Chetan PatilFaculty IIMP
03Subject Experts from outside Parent University (02)Mr. Shantanu SensharmaOzone Consultants
Mr. Mukund MateEx-Dean, ICFAI B School Pune
04Expert – to be nominated by VC from six suggested by Director (01)Mr. Sashin Jain Head Merchandise Strategy, Supply Chain and Sourcing, OC Tanner
05Representative from Industry (01)Mr. Shrirang Sajanapwar
06Alumnus (01) to be nominated by DirectorMr. Sughosh TembreInfosys, Pune
07Member – Secretary*Dr. Abhijit ChandratreyaAsst. Director IIMP
BOARD OF STUDIES: Business Analytics
Minutes of Meeting

Sr.DescriptionNameDesignation and Organization
01 Chairperson Dr. Neha Ramteke LF BA IIMP
02 Members Dr. Pallavi Sajanapwar Dy. Director IIMP
Dr. Punam Bhoyar Faculty IIMP
03 Subject Experts from outside Parent University (02) Dr. Dhanya Pramod Director, SCIT Pune
Mr. Atul Kahate Author and Faculty of Computer Science
04Expert – to be nominated by VC from six suggested by Director (01)Mr. Yogesh DipankarDirector, Telematics Solutions Head
05Representative from Industry (01)Mr. Amit Noubade IBM, Analytics
06Alumnus (01) to be nominated by DirectorMr. Ameya Asodekar Sr. Analyst TCS
07Member – Secretary*Dr. Abhijit ChandratreyaAsst. Director, IIMP
BOARD OF STUDIES: Financial Management
Minutes of Meeting

Sr.DescriptionNameDesignation and Organization
01ChairpersonDr. Purvi ShahLF FM IIMP
02MembersDr. Pallavi SajanapwarDy. Director IIMP
Dr. Ravi BhandarFaculty IIMP
Mr. Chetan Patilculty IIMP
03Subject Experts from outside Parent University (02)Dr. Deepa Pillai Associate Professor SSBF
Dr. Rakesh MalusareAssociate Professor, Alkesh Dinesh Mody Institute for Financial and Management Studies, Mumbai
04Expert – to be nominated by VC from six suggested by Director (01)Mr. Viplav Gedam Asst. Manager,United India Insurance
05Representative from Industry (01)CA Sagar DaniGeneral Mills, Senior Manager – Risk (Finance), Mumbai
06Alumnus (01) to be nominated by DirectorMr. Prakash RokadeCredit Suisse Designation: Assistant Vice President, Pune
07Special InviteeProf. Sudhir Daphtardar
Mr. Nikhil LokhandeDirector Forex and Treasury Dept. Standard Chart Bank
08Member – Secretary*Dr. Abhijit ChandratreyaAsst. Director IIMP
BOARD OF STUDIES: Human Resource Management
Minutes of Meeting

Sr.DescriptionNameDesignation and Organization
01ChairpersonMs. Yestrela VazLF HRM IIMP
02MembersDr. Pallavi Sajanapwar Dy. Director IIMP
Dr. Sulabha WaghmareFaculty HR IIMP
Ms. Priya ThombreFaculty HR IIMP
03Subject Experts from outside Parent University (02) Dr. Aruna DeshpandeAssociate Professor, Alkesh Dinesh Mody Institute for Financial and Management Studies, Mumbai
Mr. Prashant IthapeHEAD-HR, Grupo Antolin India Pvt. Ltd.
04Expert – to be nominated by VC from six suggested by Director (01)Mr. Sandeep MahajanHead HR, Emerson, Pune
05Representative from Industry (01)Dr. Sadashib PadheeVice President Corp. HR & IT, Kirloskar Pneumatic Company Ltd.
06Alumnus (01) to be nominated by DirectorMr. Sudeep SharmaHR Business Partner, IMCD N.V.
07Member – Secretary*Dr. Abhijit ChandratreyaAsst. Director IIMP
BOARD OF STUDIES: Marketing Management
Minutes of Meeting

Sr.DescriptionNameDesignation and Organization
01ChairpersonDr. Dipanjay BhaleraoLF MM IIMP
02MembersDr. Pallavi SajanapwarDy. Director IIMP
Dr. Sanjay BhaleFaculty IIMP
Dr. D K SakoreFaculty IIMP
Dr. Swapnali KulkarniFaculty IIMP
Dr. Hemant AnubhuleFaculty IIMP
03Subject Experts from outside Parent University (02)Dr. Praveen DangeHead Academics SIU
Mr. Kshemendra Roycustomer centricity head at tata Sons Ltd, Tata Group level profile, Mumbai
04Expert – to be nominated by VC from six suggested by Director (01)Mr. Pratik PuprediwarDirector, Neilson India
05Representative from Industry (01)Mr. Swapnil Narake DGM DM in Healthcare business of Sahyadri Hospitals, Pune
06Alumnus (01) to be nominated by DirectorMr. Jayant MorghadeBid Manager; Fujitsu Consulting India
07Member – Secretary*Dr. Abhijit ChandratreyaAsst. Director IIMP
BOARD OF STUDIES: Operations and Supply Chain Management
Minutes of Meeting

Sr.DescriptionNameDesignation and Organization
01ChairpersonDr. Nitin JoshiLF OSCM Faculty IIMP
2MembersDr. Pallavi SajanapwarDeputy Director IIMP
Dr. Atul PiseFaculty IIMP
Mr. Sanchit PansareFaculty IIMP
3Subject Experts from outside Parent UniversityMr. Amit BorkarVice President - Operations at ARaymond Fasteners India Pvt. Ltd, Pune.
Dr. Sanjay SharmaNITIE Mumbai
Dr. Ramakrishna ManatkarSymbiosis Institute of Operations Management, Nashik
4Expert – to be nominated by VC from six suggested by Director (01)Mr. Shrirang TambeGM, Global Purchasing Office, MTU India Pvt. Ltd., Pune
5Representative from Industry (01)Mr. Aman Sinha Consultant, Founder Paragon solutions
6Alumnus (01) to be nominated by DirectorMr. Nikhil AvinasheAdvisory Technical Service Specialist, IBM India Pvt Ltd. Pune
7Member – Secretary*Dr. Abhijit ChandratreyaAsst. Director IIMP



We are pleased to share that IIMP’s MBA Program has been accredited by National Board of Accreditation-NBA since 2003. The visit for the 5th Cycle is awaited in April 2024. We are grateful to you all for your trust shown in the brand IIMP . The journey of “Empowering Minds to Elevate Lives” continues.

© 2020. Indira Institute of Management Pune(IIMP).

© 2020. Indira Institute of Management Pune(IIMP).