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An umbrella body for all the clubs and committees on campus.

Student Council

Roles of the Student Council

  1. To officially represent all the students in the Institute.
  2. To identify and help solve problems encountered by students in the Institute.
  3. To communicate its opinion to the Institute administration on any subject that concerns students and on which the council wishes to be consulted.
  4. To promote and encourage the involvement of students in organizing Institute activities.

Responsibilities of the Student Council

  1. To promote the interests of students among the Institute administration, staff and parents.
  2. To inform students about any subject that concerns them
  3. To identify and help solve problems encountered by students in the Institute.
  4. To consult students on any issue of importance.
  5. To organize educational and recreational activities for students.
  6. To participate in developing the Institute’s educational projects and to promote it to students
  7. To organize an activity to recognize the efforts of students involved in organizing Institute activities.
  8. To propose activities to the Institute administration that would improve the quality of life in the Institute.
  9. To maintain good relations, out of mutual respect, with the Institute staff (the Director, teaching and non-teaching personnel) and parents.

Roles of the Members of the Student Council


  • To act as official spokesperson for the council in its relations with the students and the Institute administration.
  • To call meetings of the council and to prepare the agendas.
  • To chair the meetings of the council.
  • To supervise the tasks of the council members.
  • To take part in all special committees formed by the council or send a representative to such committees.
  • To represent the students on official occasions.

Vice President (Academics, Mentoring & Extra Inputs)

  • Coordinate activities for Extra Inputs and suggest extra inputs in consultation with the students.
  • Submit timely, documented and true feedback of the extra inputs to the Management.

Vice President (Discipline)

  • Review the attendance in the class as well as when the students attend functions and programmes in the Institute and outside the Institute.
  • Ensure that the students adhere to the disciplinary policies of the Institute at all times.

Vice President (Events)

  • Arrange Intra-collegiate events and ensure participation of students in Inter college events.

Vice President (Alumni & E-Cell)

  • Establish a network with the alumni through various activities conducted by the college like REFLECTIONS (alumni meet), and interact with the alumni at various forums and always maintain an updated database of the alumni. .
  • Host various workshops, speaker sessions, innovative games, competitions for aspiring entrepreneurs and support them by providing necessary resources such as, mentoring, consultancy and networking.

Vice President (Physical fitness & CSR)

  • Ensure that students are involved in some kind of physical activity like yoga, aerobics, gym etc.
  • Arrange sports day in the Institute.
  • Involve the students in CSR activities like arranging Blood donation camps, helping the affected during natural calamities.
SR. NO. Designation STUDENT’S NAME
1 President Kanal Mahendra Trived
2 Vice President Academics and Research Mansi Sanjay Upadhyay
3 Vice President Discipline Purva Hemant Khatri
4 Vice President Discipline Abhishek Mahajan Uppalwad
5 Vice President CSR Moin Akbar Kureshi
6 Vice President E-Cell Aditya Kumar
7 Vice President Events and Co-curricular Hruthik Ranjit Kodgirwar
8 Vice President Events and Co-curricular Samiksha Vivek Dhote
9 Vice President Alumni Omsingh Narendrasingh Tomar
10 Vice President Branding Shivani Nivrutti Kuyate
11 Vice President Branding Yash Dhiraj Palande
Post Candidate Contact No. Specialization
President Omkar Mudkanna 8888841822 Marketing
V P Academics & Research Amita Nilawar 9764333715 Marketing
V P Discipline Devayani Mhaske 9156771616 Finance
V P CSR Pankaj Khairnar 7058399144 Finance
V P E Cell Shekhar Tikone 7276744645 Marketing
V P Events Ekta Dixit 9834014029 BA
V P Alumni Samarth Mali & Vaishnavi Guntoorkar 8446804333 Marketing Finance
V P Branding Ms. Rutuja Dongare +91 832-9937899 Finance
1 VP Discipline Athira Nair
2 VP Academics  Pallabita Saha
3 VP Events and Co-curricular activities Swapnil Taskar
4 VP CSR Subodg Sahastrabuddhe
5 VP Alumni Vivek Kadam
6 VP Entrpreneurship cell (E-Cell ) Vaibhav Mahajan
7 VP ( Branding) Prasad Warad
1. President Ninad Deshpande
2. VP Discipline Brajnandan and Yogita Yelgulwar
3. VP Academics / Research Simran Kadaskar
4. VP Sports Shreyash Deshmukh
5. VP Events Pratik Patil
6. VP CSR Abhishek Gandhe
7. VP Co-curricular Gaurav Pawar
8. VP Alumni Gargi Choudhary
9. VP Entrpreneurship cell (E-Cell ) Ankush Lonkar
10. VP Abhivyakti President (Ninad Despande)
11. VP ( Branding) Vikram Tarale
Student Council 2018-19
1. President Mr. Ritik Agrawal
2. VP Academics & Research Ms. Anjali Garg
3. VP Discipline Mr. Ayush Vyas
4. VP CSR Mr. Aniruddha Nakate
5. VP E-Cell Mr. Vishal Dawkare
6. VP Events (Internal activities) Mr. Hrishikesh Gawali
7. VP Events (External Activities) Mr. Atul Ahinave
8. VP Alumni Ms. Kavita Nadlamani



We are pleased to share that IIMP’s MBA Program has been accredited by National Board of Accreditation-NBA since 2003. The visit for the 5th Cycle is awaited in April 2024. We are grateful to you all for your trust shown in the brand IIMP . The journey of “Empowering Minds to Elevate Lives” continues.

© 2020. Indira Institute of Management Pune(IIMP).

© 2020. Indira Institute of Management Pune(IIMP).