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Important Notice:   MBA Merit List 2024 - Indira Institute of Management       |       List of Students selected for PhD in Management


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Be Innovative Problem Solvers, Mindful Leaders, And Big Thinkers With IIMP's AICTE-Approved Full-Time MBA Program

Master of Business Administration (MBA)

Admission Process for the MBA Program in Pune

The MBA program of Indira Institute of Management, Pune (IIMP) is affiliated to Savitribai Phule Pune University. The admissions to same are done as per rules & regulations framed by the Admission Regulating Authority (ARA), time to time.

The detailed schedule for admission is published by them on their website Interested candidates must regularly visit the website for eligibility, procedure & participation in the Common Admission Process also referred as CAP.

Candidates are advised to, do their registration for the admission online on state CET cell, submit preferences of Institutes, and get documents verification done at Setu Suvidha Kendra allotted by State Common Entrance Test Cell, Maharashtra State.

After the registration and the students’ preferences the State Common Entrance Test Cell, Maharashtra State will be putting up the merit list. Candidate will get admission to a suitable college as per his/ her merit and the preferences filled. Our Institute is a part of CAP process. However, please note that the allotments (Round Wise) are done by State Common Entrance Test Cell, Maharashtra State.

Our Institute code is MB6103

After allotment by State Common Entrance Test Cell, Maharashtra State the candidates must report to the allotted institute within date & time given by State Common Entrance Test Cell, Maharashtra State. The candidate must submit the duly filled  the requisite application form of the Institute with one attested copy of academic & other supporting documents along with institute’s fees.

Candidate will have to submit ORIGINAL documents at the time of admission before they can be confirmed through ONLINE ADMISSION REPORTING process, the very same day of admission.

These documents will remain in the custody of institute for the verification of same by Admission Regulating Authority (ARA), Directorate of Technical Education, Mumbai (DTE) & University authorities. The verification process takes a few months’ time.

Please ensure a print out of RECEIPT of ONLINE admission from website, within reporting hours of the particular Round. This is a proof of confirmation of admission. Failure to do so will result in seat treated as vacant by State Common Entrance Test Cell, Maharashtra State & will be passed on to candidates of next round.



We are pleased to share that IIMP’s MBA Program has been accredited by National Board of Accreditation-NBA since 2003. The visit for the 5th Cycle is awaited in April 2024. We are grateful to you all for your trust shown in the brand IIMP . The journey of “Empowering Minds to Elevate Lives” continues.


© 2020. Indira Institute of Management Pune(IIMP).

© 2020. Indira Institute of Management Pune(IIMP).