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MBA or PGDM? Which course should you choose?

Published on November 25, 2019

So you want to be the millennial business leader? Having a business qualification is an ideal way to get a head start in the corporate world. MBA (Masters of Business Administration) and the new-age PGDM (Post Graduate Diploma in Management) are courses to not only help you gain firm footing through domain knowledge but also set you apart from your peers lacking these qualifications.

With puzzling options out there, how do you decide which course to study? Is it PGDM or should it be an MBA? Let’s take a closer look at PGDM vs MBA differences.

What are the differences between MBA & PGDM?

The key difference between MBA & PGDM is that the former is a degree and the later is a Post Graduate diploma program. MBA is a 2-year management program and is granted by a University or an Institution affiliated to the University. While PGDM is a diploma program of 2 years granted by an autonomous Institution.

  • PGDM & MBA Course structure

MBA courses are designed to cater to a broader student audience such as Universities. Affiliated institutes need to keep a check on the access to resources and technical expertise. The MBA program curriculum is updated periodically during a few years, while the curriculum design for PGDM differs institute-wise. We strive to keep up with the latest demands of industry needs and update the curriculum in a shorter cycle.

  • PGDM & MBA Eligibility

PGDM Eligibility

A student must possess a Bachelor’s degree or equivalent, with a minimum of 50% aggregate marks or equivalent in any discipline, recognized by the Association of Indian Universities (AIU). For more detail visit our PGDM admission page:

MBA eligibility

A student must possess a graduate degree under 10+2+3 or 10+2+4 pattern under any discipline, securing at least 50% marks in aggregate, from a recognized university.

  • PGDM & MBA Entrance Exams

For a PGDM program aspirant, you can select from one from 6 approved exams: MAT, GMAT, CAT, XAT, CMAT, ATMA. For MBA, you can apply for state-level exams like TAN-CET, MAH-CET, MET-MP. And also self-examinations like SNAP, TISS, NMAT, IRMA, IBSAT.

  • PGDM & MBA Specializations

PGDM at Indira offers a student with three specializations options, namely, Marketing, Finance, and Human Resource (HR) to understand various crucial subjects that matter in the corporate world. MBA too offers a long list of specializations such as Marketing, Finance, Information System/ Technology, Human Resource Management, Operations, International Business, Pharmaceuticals/ Health, etc.

  • PGDM & MBA Career Scope

Career growth is similar for both, PGDM & MBA, as it largely depends on your performance, the reputation of the Institute and your skillset. If you enroll for Indira’s PGDM course, it becomes easier to be placed in blue-chip corporations who visit us for campus placements. A Right PGDM course will boost your career position with the desired package.

What makes Indira Group of Institute’s PGDM desirable for your career?

Indira Group of Institute is Pune’s leading PGDM Institute offering the right mix of theoretical and practical training with sessions on management games using management techniques and leadership skills. We offer extensive corporate tie-ups including National Human Resource Development Pune, Chapter (NHRD), International Business Simulations (iBizSim), Deloitte: Joint Certification Program (JCP) and many more to add to your learning edge.

Both PGDM & MBA are dream course for business study aspirants, and we at Indira prepare you to emerge professionally equipped for the challenges of a global market. If you would like to learn more about the best B-school India and our cutting-edge PGDM program, visit us here and register for the Indira Common Admission Process (ICAP) test.

For more information on PGDM admission visit:

For more information on MBA admission visit:

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